Has it really been three years since I’ve written a single word in this space? Yes, apparently, that’s one more thing lost to the pandemonium.
Is this still a relevant pop culture reference? Or are we all doing The Last of Us quotes now?
So let me try to summarize life as much as I can…
There was the plague, and then everything after: going to remote work in March of 2020 and staying there; art events came to a grinding halt; traveling was off the table; Operation GTFO was a go in summer of 2021; fall of that year my husband suffered a major health emergency and all plans were scuttled as we worked on his recovery for the better part of 2022; late summer brought renewed plans for relocation and by the fall we were moving 1,100 miles to Pennsylvania.
It’ll be six months in March since we uprooted ourselves from Florida to attain a goal we’d been talking about and working toward for a very long time. We’ve taken that time to slowly get settled and enjoy the experience of being in a new place. Come the spring we have a lot of plans for the house and our little acre of property, and I’ll start working on connecting with the art community here. There have been events and shows that’ve caught my eye, but I wasn’t ready to jump into anything right away, and I decided to wait until after the winter. All things considered, I may shift my efforts away from exhibitions and focus on personal work for my portfolio, with an emphasis on work for publication. That was something I’d been thinking about back in 2020 and never really pursued. I have made art between then and now, of course, but mostly just for the fun of it.
A painting I did in 2021 based on an image from one of my sketchbooks.
In addition to resurrecting this blog, I’m bringing back my newsletter as well, so look for that soon if you’re signed up - or if not, you can find the subscription link on the homepage of this website. In the newsletter I’ll talk about art, of course, but also what I may be reading, watching, listening to, or thinking about. There will probably be some talk about birds. Maybe gardening. Cats will probably make an appearance as well. I’m trying to write and share more, but rely less on platforms I can’t fully control. I hope you’ll come along for the ride.